n3=.Tell everyone:/me 9,1is using %Logo Get it at Pll's Great page: http://www.Scripterz.com and goto Scripts/mirc4.72, then browse around!
n4=.Features:/run notepad.exe features.txt
n5=.New Stuff:/run notepad.exe new.txt
n6=.Readme:/run notepad.exe seeME.txt
n7=.Hints file:/run notepad.exe hints.txt
n8=.Who has it:/ctcp # ES
n10=..Show Motd:/.disable #motd | /set %motd 3On
n11=..Dont Show:/.enable #motd | /set %motd 4Off
n12=Welcome to ╔vδ« ºó«ipT:/run notepad.exe wtxt.txt
n14=.Safe Anti-Idle
n15=..On:/join #anipltob jkiop | /.timer977 0 121 msg #anipltob Message to $me : Anti-Idle, goto Away, Safe Anti-Idle then goto off to stop this! :)
n16=..Off:/part #anipltob | /timer977 off
n17=.Away on:/enable #away | /set %awaytime $atime | /set %min 0 | /set %hours 0 | /set %seconds 0 | /timer733 0 60 /inc %min 1 | /timer734 0 1 /inc %seconds 1 | /timer735 0 3600 /inc %hours 1 | /set %min | /timer737 0 121 /ame Is away!!!!!!! Type !page to page me!! Type !see to see yer options to make me say this more or less often! or !stop to make me stop I have been away since %awaytime | /enable #page
n18=.Disable Away:/disable #away | /unset %min | /unset %seconds | /unset %hours | /timers off | /disable #page | /amsg I am Back!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n33=..Ask if help is needed:/me 9,1 would like to know if anyone needs to know how to do color, this : «, or copy and paste, if so ...type !cp for copy & paste, !kb for this : « or !ch for color,etc!!!!!!!
n34=..Tell someone how to do color:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" ch.txt
n35=..Tell someone how to copy and paste...:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" cp.txt
n36=..Tell someone how to do Acii Talk, etc.:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" keyboard.txt
n41=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Nice Cold Pepsi? Type !pepsi to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n42=...Give one:/me 8,1passes a Nice Cold Pepsi to $?="Who to pass a pepsi to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n44=...Ask around:/me 4,1asks everyone if anyone wants some juice! Type !juice to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n45=...Give one:/me 3,1passes some Juice to $?="Who to give some Juice to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n46=..Anything:/me 3,1 passes $?="Pass ? to who?" $?="What to pass?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n48=..Show chan snacks:/me 3,1introduces you to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n49=..Show someone snacks:/msg $?="Who to show snacks to?" 4,1Hi $nick Welcome to the list of snacks: welcome to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n51=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Candybar? Type !candybar <kind> to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n52=...Give one:/me 8,1passes A Candybar to $?="Who to pass a candybar to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n54=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some M&M's? Type !mm to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n55=...Give some:/me 8,1passes some M&M's to $?="Who to pass mm's to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n57=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some cookies? Type !cookies <kind> to get! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n58=...Give one:/me 8,1passes some cookies to $?="Who to pass cookies to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n59=.Life Savers
n60=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some life savers? Type !lis to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n61=...Give one:/me 8,1passes some life savers to $?="Who to pass life savers to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n63=...Give some:/me 7,1passes $?="Who to give anything to?" $?="What to give?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n64=...Ask if want:/me 4,1asks if anyone wants a snack. Type !snack and the snack to get it! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n66=IRCops Things
n67=.Kill a user:/kill $$?="User to kill:" $?="Reason for kill:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n68=.K-&Line a user:/kline $$?="User to k-line:" $?="Reason for k-line:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n69=.Squit:/squit $?="Server to Squit:"
n70=.Wallops:/wallops $?="Message to WALLop to IRCops:"
n74=..Die Server:/die
n76=.Edit a Note:/run notepad.exe
n77=.Open a txt:/run notepad.exe $?="What txt ( dont include the .txt part )?".txt
n79=Color Fun!
n81=..Send Some Privately:/.msg $?="Who to send roses to?" 4 $me sends $! roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`-- | /echo 3 -a Roses Have Been Sent To $!
n82=..Send 7:/me 4sends $?="Who to send them to?" 7 roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--
n83=..Send a Dozen:/me 4sends $?="Who to send a dozen roses?" a Dozen Roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--
n94=.Awesome Text:/ece $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n95=.Show/Say Time:/clock | /speak The Current Time is $atime and today is $day
n96=.Backwards Text:/bac $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n98=.List Colors:/colh
n100=.Drag-need Talk
n101=..White:/say 0,0 $?="Enter Text"
n102=..Black:/say 1,1 $?="Enter Text"
n103=..Blue:/say 2,2 $?="Enter Text"
n104=..Dark Green:/say 3,3 $?="Enter Text"
n105=..Red:/say 4,4 $?="Enter Text"
n106=..Dark Red:/say 5,5 $?="Enter Text"
n107=..Dark Purple:/say 6,6 $?="Enter Text"
n108=..Orange:/say 7,7 $?="Enter Text"
n109=..Yellow:/say 8,8 $?="Enter Text"
n110=..Green:/say 9,9 $?="Enter Text"
n111=..Blue-Green:/say 10,10 $?="Enter Text"
n112=..Turquoise:/say 11,11 $?="Enter Text"
n113=..Blue:/say 12,12 $?="Enter Text"
n114=..Purple:/say 13,13 $?="Enter Text"
n115=..Gray:/say 14,14 $?="Enter Text"
n116=..Light Gray:/say 15,15 $?="Enter Text"
n118=..Info:/echo 2 -a What this is... it sends text out, and someone has to drag the mouse over it to see it what you typed!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT By Limbeck777
n119=..Show all of these type of secrets ON:/strip +c | /echo 2 -a Now, you realize, you will NOT see color now!!!!!!! Select I can see it myself to make you see it again! :)
n120=..I can see it myself:/strip -c | /echo 2 -a You can now see COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
n121=Fake Conversation
n122=.Help:/echo 3 This is an Echo conversation!! Nothing you will see will acutally be happening. :) Choose a story from the list. 9,1 %logo
n123=.Jed's Not Aop: {
n124= /echo " Jed's Not An Aop, By Limbeck777" | /echo <Superman> Hey.... your not aop, jed. | /.timer10 1 7 echo <Jed> What's that?┐ | /.timer11 1 14 echo <Superman> hehe... dont op him! he isnt aop!! He's a lyer! Kick him! Kick Him! | /.timer12 1 15 echo 3 *** Superman was kicked by Jed (Obviously I'm op, whatcha gonna DO about it?) | /.timer14 1 19 echo 3 *** Superman (HAHAHA@0,0aol.com) has joined # | /.timer15 1 23 echo <Superman> AUTO REJOIN... MORON!!! You shudnt be en op!! | .timer50 1 27 /echo < $me > SHUTUP SUPERMAN!!! He's an AOP, Ok?!!! And LEARN HOW TO SPELL! | /.timer21 1 30 echo <Superman> NO! | /.timer20 1 35 echo < $me >
n128= /echo 3 " That's not Your Work!" By Limbeck777 | /echo <Extreme> Hmmmmm..... Toop, this isnt yer script dude. | /.timer30 1 5 echo <Toopers> What do you mean? I made T00▐SCRiPt!! | /.timer31 1 8 echo <Extreme> Well.... look's like you ripped Ever Script! | .timer32 1 14 echo <Toopers> What? No I didnt! What part did I rip? I just used it for gettin ideas. | /.timer33 1 19 echo <Extreme> Nope... 'fraid not... ya stole half the thing! Conversations... Jukebox... and alot more! | /.timer34 1 23 echo <Toopers> Well...
n129= | /.timer35 1 27 echo <Extreme> Look, I'm LOOKING at the Code! I dont need to SHOW it to you, do I? | /.timer37 1 32 echo <Toopers> Ok, ok, I ripped the dang thing!! | /.timer38 1 34 echo 3 *** Toopers (heheheh@0,0aol.com) has left # | .timer40 1 37 echo 2 T3H4E 5 E10N2D3! :) Ever Script!
n131=.Normal Chattime: {
n132= /echo 3 *** jack101 (blah@33dd.compuserve.com) has joined # | .timer1 1 4 echo <jack101> hey all!! | .timer2 1 7 echo <Vitab> Hey Jack. How are ya? | .timer3 1 10 echo 6 * wowee is Away. I have been away for: 4 minutes and 42 seconds! | .timer4 1 15 echo <jack101> I'm fine... you? | .timer5 1 17 echo 3 *** PepsimaN (pepsi@supernet.com) has left # | .timer7 1 21 echo <Vitab> that's cool. I'm fine. | .timer8 1 25 echo <buhned> Gotta phone call! be RIGHT back!!! :) | .timer9 1 27 echo 3 *** YEP (yepp@inet.us.ca.com) has joined # | .timer10 1 30 echo <YEP> HOW DO YOU KICK SOME1 FROM A CHANNEL??
n133= | .timer11 1 40 echo <Bobbo_500> Yep: just type /kick #channel nickname and a message, then they are gone!!! :) | .timer12 1 47 echo <YEP> OK, THANKS BOBBO!! | .timer14 1 50 echo 3 *** YEP (yepp@inet.us.ca.com) has left # | .timer15 1 55 echo <jack101> well.... i guess i should go. Nice talkin to ya'll!! Bye!! | .timer17 1 62 echo <Vitab> ok, Jack, see ya! I guess I should go as well. Bye all!
n134= | .timer19 1 70 echo 2 *** jack101 has left IRC (see ya!!!) | .timer20 1 73 echo 2 *** Vitab has left IRC (Bye all!!!) | .timer21 1 77 echo 3T4h11e 5E2n3d, ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n137=Main Entertainment
n139=.Stop Trivia:/st
n141=.Talky: {
n142= //speak How are you $me! | //echo 3 -s How are you $me? | /echo 4 -a Type /fine if your fine today, type /soso if your so-so, or /bad if yer bad. :)
n144=.Message Wall
n145=..On:/enable #mwall | /echo 3 -a Message Wall now ON, goto Main Entertainment, Message Wall, then select Advirtise to tell us all!
n146=..Off:.disable #mwall | /echo 3 -a Message Wall now Disabled! | /stopwall
n147=..Advirtise it:/startwall | /echo 3 -a Now advirtising the Message Wall!! :)
n149=..What Time is it?:/echo 3 -a 9,1 %logo $eclock
n150=..Whats Today?:/echo 3 -a 9,1'tis ... $etoday
n151=..What's Tomorrow?:/tom
n154=..Show list:/me 7,1 says:Type !blackjack for a Blackjack game. ...Special Thanks to _Qu^rtZ_ and oH_yEaH for making these. thanks is from Limbeck777
n157=...On:/enable #8ball | /set %8ball 3ON | /say 3I have14 [Enabled] 2my Magical3 8ball!2 Type 8ball and a question to use it!!
n190=..Credits:/echo 3 -a This Netsplit Detector is an addon I found. The author asks I give him credit! This Split Detector is from a great script called C-Script, Available at: http://www.midtenn.net/~sdavis/c-script.htm :)
n192=..On:/.enable #split
n193=..Off:/.disable #split
n196=..&PPanther:/splay ppanther.mid
n197=..&Mission Imp:/splay mission1.mid
n198=..&Star Wars:/splay starwars.mid
n199=..&Ballade:/splay ballade.mid
n200=..&Dark:/splay dark.mid
n201=..&Jazz:/splay jazz.mid
n202=..&Reggae:/splay reggae.mid
n203=..&T2:/splay T2.mid
n204=..&Bevcop:/splay axel.mid
n205=..&Bond:/splay bond.mid
n206=..&Apollo13:/splay apollo13.mid
n207=..&CE:/splay closeeng.mid
n208=..Stop Playing:/splay STOP | /echo 2 -a Midi has been Stopped!!!!!!! :) 3 %logo
n227=..Invisible Help:/echo 3 -a All this does is make you not visible when someone does a /names on you! And They must know your exact nick to whois/who you.
n259=.Reminder:/set %remind $?="What is the message?" | /set %tr $atime | /timer787 $?="How many times to remind?" $?="How many seconds until your reminded?" echo 4 -a %remind , you set this reminder at %tr .
n271=...Join 1st Choice:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your first choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n272=...Join 2nd Choice:/if %join2 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your second choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join2 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join2 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n273=...Join 3rd Choice:/if %join3 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your third choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join3 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n274=...Join All Choices:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your favorite channels have not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /join %join2 | /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , %join2 , or %join3 if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n277=..What are they?:/echo 2 -a BRB stands for Be Right Back, here are some BRB Messages!
n278=..Restroom:/ame will be right back! Gotta use the -------->2,2BATHROOM<-------------
n279=..Eat:/ame will be right back!! Gotta get something ----------------->3,3TOO eat!<------------
n280=..Just Cuz:/ame will be right back!
n282=.Lamer Channel
n283=..Kind of Lame:/me thinks this place is kind of LAME!!!!!!!
n284=..More Lame:/me thinks this place IS Lame!!!!!!!!!
n285=..Lot Lame:/play train.txt | /me thinks this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE
n286=..REAL Lame:/play train.txt | /me KNOWS this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE! | /timer745 1 14 part $?="What channel are you on?" This place is Too LAME for me!!!!!!! 0,0LAMERS!!!!!!! $! More like #Lame
n287=..Quit its so lame:/play train.txt | /timer747 1 14 quit 0,0This place sucks WAY too bad to stay on IRC!!!!!!!
n291=...Off:/events off
n292=...On:/events on
n294=...On:/commands On
n295=...Off:/commands off
n298=Some Settings
n300=..On:/set %tc $?="Enter Channel" | /set %topic $?="Enter Topic to LOCK" | /topic # $! | /echo 3 -a TopicLock set to %topicc for topic %topic | /.enable #topic
n461=..Limit...:/mode # +l $$?="Give the max amount"
n462=..No Limit:/mode # -l 0
n463=..Private:/mode # +p
n464=..Not Private:/mode # -p
n465=..Messages:/mode # -n
n466=..No ext. Messages:/mode # +n
n467=..Secret:/mode # +s
n468=..Not Secret:/mode # -s
n469=..Moderated:/mode # +m
n470=..Not Moderated:/mode # -m
n471=..Only ops change topic:/mode # +t
n472=..Anyone change topic:/mode # -t
n473=..Key:/mode # +k $$?="Enter channel key:"
n474=..Key off:/mode # -k $$?="Enter old channel key:"
n475=..Help {
n476= echo 3 -a This will tell you what all these modes are... You may need to scroll up...
n477= .timer951 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Invite Only: This sets the channel to only let people in, who have been invited. Type /invite nickname #channel nickname being the person, channel being the channel. :)
n478= .timer952 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Invite Only takes it off invite only.
n479= .timer954 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Limit sets the channel to only allow a limited amount of people on a channel.
n480= .timer955 1 7 echo 2 -a No Limit sets Limit off.
n481= .timer956 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Private sets the channel to make it to where when someone does a /names users are not displayed, and channel is not listed in /list.
n482= .timer957 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Messages lets people from out of the channel be able to send message top the channel.
n483= .timer958 1 7 echo 2 -a 4With Secret: Users are not displayed during /names #channel or /who #channel and channel is not in /list.
n484= .timer961 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Moderated makes only ops to be allowed to talk in the channel. Or people with a plus by their name can talk, the plusses are called voices.
n485= .timer962 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Moderated makes everyone able to talk in the channel again.
n486= .timer959 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Key makes the channel requirethe correct key to be entered in before anyone can join.
n487= .timer960 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Only ops change Topic: makes it to where only ops can change the topic.
n488= .timer970 1 7 echo 3 -a Thank You!! %logo
n491=.More Things
n492=..Change Nickname:/nick $$?="What nickname?"
n493=..Voice:/mode # +V $$?
n494=..Kick:/kick # $$?
n495=..Ban:/ban $$?
n496=..Op:/mode # +o $$?
n497=..Deop:/dop # -o $$?
n498=..Secret On:/mode $$? s+
n499=..Secret off:/mode $$? s-
n500=..Invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" +i
n501=..Not invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" -i
n502=..Whois user:/whois $?="Who to whois?"
n503=..Uwho:/uwho $?"Who to UWHO?"
n504=..Register a channel:/run notepad.exe re.txt
n505=..Register a Nickname:/run notepad.exe nre.txt
n506=.ID Chan:/msg chanserv identify $?="Enter Channel" $?="Enter password for channel"
n507=.Read Mirc FAQ:/faq | /echo 3 -a If this does not work, you got this over DCC, dont worry, you just dont have the mIRC FAQ! :)
n511=.Secret:/quit 0,0WELL.......you should be able to see this.........
n512=.AOLSux:/quit Wanna know a secret??????? ----------->>>0,0AOL Sux<<<---------------- BIG secret, huh? If you didnt nkow that.....then you are very weird!!!!!!!
n513=.Lamers:/quit Too Lame!! ----------->0,0So lame I must quit! <---------
n514=.OOPS:/quit $read os.txt ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n515=.Time to go:/quit time to go <----------2,2Just Cause!!!!!!! <------------- 0,0╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n516=.Party:/quit P-A-R-T-....Y? ------------>4,4CAUSE I GOTTA!!!<-------------- 3,3╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n518=.Elvis left, cool:/quit Elvis has left the building, THANK GOD!!!!!!!
n2=╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n3=.Tell everyone:/me 9,1is using %Logo Get it at Pll's Great page: http://www.Scripterz.com and goto Scripts/mirc5.0, then browse around!
n4=.Features:/run notepad.exe features.txt
n5=.New Stuff:/run notepad.exe new.txt
n6=.Readme:/run notepad.exe readme.txt
n7=.Hints file:/run notepad.exe hints.txt
n8=.Who has it:/ctcp # ES
n10=..Show Motd:/.disable #motd | /set %motd 3On
n11=..Dont Show:/.enable #motd | /set %motd 4Off
n12=Welcome to ╔vδ« ºó«ipT:/run notepad.exe wtxt.txt
n14=.Safe Anti-Idle
n15=..On:/join #anipltob jkiop | /.timer977 0 121 msg #anipltob Message to $me : Anti-Idle, goto Away, Safe Anti-Idle then goto off to stop this! :)
n16=..Off:/part #anipltob | /timer977 off
n17=.Away on:/enable #away | /set %awaytime $atime | /set %min 0 | /set %hours 0 | /set %seconds 0 | /timer733 0 60 /inc %min 1 | /timer734 0 1 /inc %seconds 1 | /timer735 0 3600 /inc %hours 1 | /set %min | /timer737 0 121 /ame Is away!!!!!!! Type !page to page me!! Type !see to see yer options to make me say this more or less often! or !stop to make me stop I have been away since %awaytime | /enable #page
n18=.Disable Away:/disable #away | /unset %min | /unset %seconds | /unset %hours | /timers off | /disable #page | /amsg I am Back!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n31=..Ask if help is needed:/me 9,1 would like to know if anyone needs to know how to do color, this : «, or copy and paste, if so ...type !cp for copy & paste, !kb for this : « or !ch for color,etc!!!!!!!
n32=..Tell someone how to do color:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" ch.txt
n33=..Tell someone how to copy and paste...:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" cp.txt
n34=..Tell someone how to do Acii Talk, etc.:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" keyboard.txt
n38=..Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Nice Cold Pepsi? Type !pepsi to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n39=..Give one:/me 8,1passes a Nice Cold Pepsi to $?="Who to pass a pepsi to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n41=..Ask around:/me 4,1asks everyone if anyone wants some juice! Type !juice to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n42=..Give one:/me 3,1passes some Juice to $?="Who to give some Juice to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n43=.Anything:/me 3,1 passes $?="Pass ? to who?" $?="What to pass?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n45=.Show chan snacks:/me 3,1introduces you to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n46=.Show someone snacks:/msg $?="Who to show snacks to?" 4,1Hi $nick Welcome to the list of snacks: welcome to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n48=..Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Candybar? Type !candybar <kind> to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n49=..Give one:/me 8,1passes A Candybar to $?="Who to pass a candybar to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n51=..Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some M&M's? Type !mm to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n52=..Give some:/me 8,1passes some M&M's to $?="Who to pass mm's to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n54=..Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some cookies? Type !cookies <kind> to get! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n55=..Give one:/me 8,1passes some cookies to $?="Who to pass cookies to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n56=Life Savers
n57=..Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some life savers? Type !lis to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n58=..Give one:/me 8,1passes some life savers to $?="Who to pass life savers to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n60=..Give some:/me 7,1passes $?="Who to give anything to?" $?="What to give?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n61=..Ask if want:/me 4,1asks if anyone wants a snack. Type !snack and the snack to get it! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n63=IRCops Things
n64=.Kill a user:/kill $$?="User to kill:" $?="Reason for kill:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n65=.Kill &Clones:/mkill $$?="Clone address to kill: (NO user@!!!)" $?="Reason for kill:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n66=.K-&Line a user:/kline $$?="User to k-line:" $?="Reason for k-line:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n67=.Squit:/squit $?="Server to Squit:"
n68=.Wallops:/wallops $?="Message to WALLop to IRCops:"
n69=.Local Wallops:/lwallops : $+ $?="Message to WALLop to Local IRCops:"
n70=.Global Message:/global
n74=..Die Server:/die
n76=.Edit a Note:/run notepad.exe
n77=.Open a txt:/run notepad.exe $?="What txt ( dont include the .txt part )?".txt
n79=Fake Conversation
n80=.Help:/echo 3 This is an Echo conversation!! Nothing you will see will acutally be happening. :) Choose a story from the list. 9,1 %logo
n81=.Jed's Not Aop: {
n82= /echo " Jed's Not An Aop, By Limbeck777" | /echo <Superman> Hey.... your not aop, jed. | /.timer10 1 7 echo <Jed> What's that?┐ | /.timer11 1 14 echo <Superman> hehe... dont op him! he isnt aop!! He's a lyer! Kick him! Kick Him! | /.timer12 1 15 echo 3 *** Superman was kicked by Jed (Obviously I'm op, whatcha gonna DO about it?) | /.timer14 1 19 echo 3 *** Superman (HAHAHA@0,0aol.com) has joined # | /.timer15 1 23 echo <Superman> AUTO REJOIN... MORON!!! You shudnt be en op!! | .timer50 1 27 /echo < $me > SHUTUP SUPERMAN!!! He's an AOP, Ok?!!! And LEARN HOW TO SPELL! | /.timer21 1 30 echo <Superman> NO! | /.timer20 1 35 echo < $me > h
n86= /echo 3 " That's not Your Work!" By Limbeck777 | /echo <Extreme> Hmmmmm..... Toop, this isnt yer script dude. | /.timer30 1 5 echo <Toopers> What do you mean? I made T00▐SCRiPt!! | /.timer31 1 8 echo <Extreme> Well.... look's like you ripped Ever Script! | .timer32 1 14 echo <Toopers> What? No I didnt! What part did I rip? I just used it for gettin ideas. | /.timer33 1 19 echo <Extreme> Nope... 'fraid not... ya stole half the thing! Conversations... Jukebox... and alot more! | /.timer34 1 23 echo <Toopers> Well...
n87= | /.timer35 1 27 echo <Extreme> Look, I'm LOOKING at the Code! I dont need to SHOW it to you, do I? | /.timer37 1 32 echo <Toopers> Ok, ok, I ripped the dang thing!! | /.timer38 1 34 echo 3 *** Toopers (heheheh@0,0aol.com) has left # | .timer40 1 37 echo 2 T3H4E 5 E10N2D3! :) Ever Script!
n89=Main Entertainment
n91=..What Time is it?:/echo 3 -a 9,1 %logo $eclock
n92=..Whats Today?:/echo 3 -a 9,1'tis ... $etoday
n93=..What's Tomorrow?:/tom
n96=..Show list:/me 7,1 says:Type !blackjack for a Blackjack game. ...Special Thanks to _Qu^rtZ_ and oH_yEaH for making these FROM Limebck777
n98=...ON:/enable #blackjack | /amsg BLacKJacK is ACTIVE type !blackjack to play!! | /set %bj 3ON
n100=.ASCII Art!:/play $dir="Choose an Ascii file to Play! ( .txt )" $mircdirascii\*.txt 0
n101=.Vote with CTCP {
n102= enable #vote
n103= set -q %vno 0
n104= set -q %vyes 0
n105= set -q %vund 0
n106= set -q %vtime $?="How many secondss till times over?"
n107= if %vtime == $null { halt }
n108= set -q %vtopic $?="Whats the Voting Topic?"
n109= if %vtopic == $null { halt }
n110= say Voting Booth
n111= say 2Topic: %vtopic $+
n112= say 2Options: YES, NO or MAYBE
n113= say 4 /ctcp3 $me 4YES, NO or MAYBE
n114= say 4Time Left: %vtime secs
n115= timer 1 %vtime /voteover
n116= set %voting 1
n117= timer 1 %vtime /unset %voting
n119=Color Fun!
n120=.Drag-need Talk
n121=..White:/say 0,0 $?="Enter Text"
n122=..Black:/say 1,1 $?="Enter Text"
n123=..Blue:/say 2,2 $?="Enter Text"
n124=..Dark Green:/say 3,3 $?="Enter Text"
n125=..Red:/say 4,4 $?="Enter Text"
n126=..Dark Red:/say 5,5 $?="Enter Text"
n127=..Dark Purple:/say 6,6 $?="Enter Text"
n128=..Orange:/say 7,7 $?="Enter Text"
n129=..Yellow:/say 8,8 $?="Enter Text"
n130=..Green:/say 9,9 $?="Enter Text"
n131=..Blue-Green:/say 10,10 $?="Enter Text"
n132=..Turquoise:/say 11,11 $?="Enter Text"
n133=..Blue:/say 12,12 $?="Enter Text"
n134=..Purple:/say 13,13 $?="Enter Text"
n135=..Gray:/say 14,14 $?="Enter Text"
n136=..Light Gray:/say 15,15 $?="Enter Text"
n138=..Info:/echo 2 -a What this is... it sends text out, and someone has to drag the mouse over it to see it what you typed!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT By Limbeck777
n139=..Show all of these type of secrets ON:/strip +c | /echo 2 -a Now, you realize, you will NOT see color now!!!!!!! Select I can see it myself to make you see it again! :)
n140=..I can see it myself:/strip -c | /echo 2 -a You can now see COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
n141=.Color weird:/bg $?="Enter Text"
n142=.Ascii color:/ac $?"Text?"
n143=.Ascii Talk:/ai $?="Enter Text"
n144=.Brickness:/brick $?="Enter Text"
n145=.Blues:/bl $?="Enter Text"
n146=.Rainbow:/rainbow $?="Enter Text"
n147=.Random color, etc.:/ht $?"Enter text"
n148=.Awesome Text:/ece $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n149=.Show/Say Time:/clock | /speak The Current Time is $atime and today is $day
n150=.Backwards Text:/bac $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n169=..Invisible Help:/echo 3 -a All this does is make you not visible when someone does a /names on you! And They must know your exact nick to whois/who you.
n201=.Reminder:/set %remind $?="What is the message?" | /set %tr $atime | /timer787 $?="How many times to remind?" $?="How many seconds until your reminded?" echo 4 -a %remind , you set this reminder at %tr .
n228=...Join 1st Choice:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your first choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n229=...Join 2nd Choice:/if %join2 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your second choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join2 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join2 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n230=...Join 3rd Choice:/if %join3 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your third choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join3 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n231=...Join All Choices:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your favorite channels have not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /join %join2 | /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , %join2 , or %join3 if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n234=..What are they?:/echo 2 -a BRB stands for Be Right Back, here are some BRB Messages!
n235=..Restroom:/ame will be right back! Gotta use the -------->2,2BATHROOM<-------------
n236=..Eat:/ame will be right back!! Gotta get something ----------------->3,3TOO eat!<------------
n237=..Just Cuz:/ame will be right back!
n239=.Lamer Channel
n240=..Kind of Lame:/me thinks this place is kind of LAME!!!!!!!
n241=..More Lame:/me thinks this place IS Lame!!!!!!!!!
n242=..Lot Lame:/play train.txt | /me thinks this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE
n243=..REAL Lame:/play train.txt | /me KNOWS this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE! | /timer745 1 14 part $?="What channel are you on?" This place is Too LAME for me!!!!!!! 0,0LAMERS!!!!!!! $! More like #Lame
n244=..Quit its so lame:/play train.txt | /timer747 1 14 quit 0,0This place sucks WAY too bad to stay on IRC!!!!!!!
n246=.Events off:/events off
n247=.Events On:/events on
n249=Some Settings
n250=.ON TEXT Prot
n251=..Disable:/disable #oprot | /set %ot 4Off
n252=..Enable:/enable #oprot | /set %ot 3On
n253=.ON ACTION Prot
n254=..Disable:/disable #aprot | /set %at 4Off
n255=..Enable:/enable #aprot | /set %at 3On
n256=.ON NICK Prot
n257=..Disable:/disable #nick | /set %np 4off
n258=..Enable:/enable #nick | /set %ot 3On
n259=.Op Beg
n260=..Disable:/disable #opb | /set %o off
n261=..Enable:/enable #opb | /set %o 3On
n263=.Show Stats:/current
n265=..On:/.enable #ac | /set %ap 3On
n266=..Off:/.disable #ac | /timer877 off | /set %ap 4Off
n267=..Read This:/echo 2 -a This command will make all of your other commands like games, etc. not work! Type /why to find out why!
n270=...Enable ON TEXT Prot:/.enable #oprot | /set %ot 3On
n271=...Enable ON ACTION Prot:/.enable #aprot | /set %at 3On
n272=...Enable ON NICK Prot:/.enable #nick | /set %np 3On
n273=...Enable Op Beg Prot:/.enable #opb | /set %o 3On
n381=.Kill a user:/kill $$?="User to kill:" $?="Reason for kill:"
n382=.K-&Line a user:/kline $$?="User to k-line:" $?="Reason for k-line:"
n383=.Squit:/squit $?="Server to Squit:"
n384=.Wallops:/wallops $?="Message to WALLop to IRCops:"
n388=..Die Server:/die
n389=Newbie Things
n390=.Channel Modes
n391=..Set Topic:/topic # $?="Enter Topic"
n392=..Invite Only:/mode # +i
n393=..Not Invite Only:/mode # -i
n394=..Limit...:/mode # +l $$?="Give the max amount"
n395=..No Limit:/mode # -l 0
n396=..Private:/mode # +p
n397=..Not Private:/mode # -p
n398=..Messages:/mode # -n
n399=..No ext. Messages:/mode # +n
n400=..Secret:/mode # +s
n401=..Not Secret:/mode # -s
n402=..Moderated:/mode # +m
n403=..Not Moderated:/mode # -m
n404=..Only ops change topic:/mode # +t
n405=..Anyone change topic:/mode # -t
n406=..Key:/mode # +k $$?="Enter channel key:"
n407=..Key off:/mode # -k $$?="Enter old channel key:"
n408=..Help {
n409= echo 3 -a This will tell you what all these modes are... You may need to scroll up...
n410= .timer951 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Invite Only: This sets the channel to only let people in, who have been invited. Type /invite nickname #channel nickname being the person, channel being the channel. :)
n411= .timer952 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Invite Only takes it off invite only.
n412= .timer954 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Limit sets the channel to only allow a limited amount of people on a channel.
n413= .timer955 1 7 echo 2 -a No Limit sets Limit off.
n414= .timer956 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Private sets the channel to make it to where when someone does a /names users are not displayed, and channel is not listed in /list.
n415= .timer957 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Messages lets people from out of the channel be able to send message top the channel.
n416= .timer958 1 7 echo 2 -a 4With Secret: Users are not displayed during /names #channel or /who #channel and channel is not in /list.
n417= .timer961 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Moderated makes only ops to be allowed to talk in the channel. Or people with a plus by their name can talk, the plusses are called voices.
n418= .timer962 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Moderated makes everyone able to talk in the channel again.
n419= .timer959 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Key makes the channel requirethe correct key to be entered in before anyone can join.
n420= .timer960 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Only ops change Topic: makes it to where only ops can change the topic.
n421= .timer970 1 7 echo 3 -a Thank You!! %logo
n424=.More Things
n425=..Change Nickname:/nick $$?="What nickname?"
n426=..Voice:/mode # +V $$?
n427=..Kick:/kick # $$?
n428=..Ban:/ban $$?
n429=..Op:/mode # +o $$?
n430=..Deop:/dop # -o $$?
n431=..Secret On:/mode $$? s+
n432=..Secret off:/mode $$? s-
n433=..Invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" +i
n434=..Not invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" -i
n435=..Whois user:/whois $?="Who to whois?"
n436=..Uwho:/uwho $?"Who to UWHO?"
n437=..Register a channel:/run notepad.exe re.txt
n438=..Register a Nickname:/run notepad.exe nre.txt
n439=.User Status:/userstat
n440=.ID Chan:/msg chanserv identify $?="Enter Channel" $?="Enter password for channel"
n445=.Secret:/quit 0,0WELL.......you should be able to see this.........
n446=.AOLSux:/quit Wanna know a secret??????? ----------->>>0,0AOL Sux<<<---------------- BIG secret, huh? If you didnt nkow that.....then you are very weird!!!!!!!
n447=.Lamers:/quit Too Lame!! ----------->0,0So lame I must quit! <---------
n448=.OOPS:/quit $read os.txt ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n449=.Time to go:/quit time to go <----------2,2Just Cause!!!!!!! <------------- 0,0╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n450=.Party:/quit P-A-R-T-....Y? ------------>4,4CAUSE I GOTTA!!!<-------------- 3,3╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n17=.Fake Ignore:/notice $$1 Welcome to my Ignore list!! Have a nice day!! %logo
n18=.Real Ignore:/notice $$1 Welcome to my Ignore list!! Have a nice day!! %logo | /ignore $$1 | /echo 3 -a Now Ignoring $$1 Type /unignore $$1 to stop ignoring $$1
n19=.Pick on this nick:/say Time to pick on you $$1 | /auser 1002 $$1 | /echo 3 -a Now Picking on $$1 This will make you copy Everything $$1 says! Private or not!! To stop, select Stop picking on!!! To stop, select Stop picking on!!!
n20=.Stop picking on:/say Time to stop picking on you, $$1 ! :( | /ruser 1002 $$1
n21=.Speak what this nick says:/auser 1003 $$1 | /echo 2 -a you will now HEAR everything that $$1 says!!!
n22=.Dont speak what this nick says:/ruser 1003 $$1
n23=.Give Snack
n24=..Show snacks:/msg $$1 4,1Hi $nick Welcome to the list of snacks: welcome to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi 4 pepsi4,1..Type !Juice 4 that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> 4 that8,1Type !mm 4 M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> 4 cookies11,1Type !Lis 4 Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n25=..Give Pepsi:/me 8,1passes $$1 a Nice Cold Pepsi! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n26=..Give Candybar:/me 9,1hands a candybar to $$1 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n27=..Give anything:/me 8,1gives $$1 $?="What to give?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n29=Quick Aop or sop
n30=.Del Aop :/msg chanserv aop $?="What channel?" del $?"Who?"
n31=.Del Sop:/msg chanserv sop $?="What channel?" del $?"Who?"
n48=.Add to Shutup Kick:/auser 12 $$1 | /guser 12 $$1
n49=.Remove from Shutup Kick:/ruser 12 $$1
n51=.Add to Sh*Tlist:/.auser 13 $$1 | /echo 3 -a $$1 HAs been added to your sh*tlist.
n52=.Remove from Sh*TList:/.auser 13 $$1 | /echo 3 -a $$1 has been removed from your Sh*tlist.
n54=.Add to Akick:/msg chanserv AKICK $?="Enter Channel" ADD $?="enter nick"
n55=.Remove from Akick:/msg chanserv AKICK $?="Enter Channel" del $?="enter nick"
n56=.List the Akicked:/msg chanserv AKICK $?="Enter Channel" list
n58=.Add to Auto-Deop:/.auser 11 $$1
n59=.Remove fro Auto-Deop:/.ruser 11 $$1
n61=.Give Ops:/mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
n62=.Deop:/mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
n63=.Voice:/mode # +vvvv $$1 $2 $3 $4
n64=.De-Voice:/mode # -vvvv $$1 $2 $3 $4
n66=.Kick:/kick # $$1
n67=.Kick (reason):/kick # $$1 $$?="why does this person get tossed?"
n68=.Ban:/ban $$1 2
n69=.Kick, Ban:/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1
n70=.Kick, Ban (reason):/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 $$?="why does he exit?"
n71=.Timed Ban:%time = $$?="Length of ban:" | /mode $chan +b $address($$1,3) | /timer 1 %time /mode $chan -b $address($$1,3) | /msg $chan $1 has been banned for %time seconds.
n72=.Timed Ban/Kick:/%time = $?="Enter time" | /mode $chan +b $address($$1,3) | /kick $chan $$1 You're ban Kicked! | /timer 1 %time /mode $chan -b $address($$1,3) | /msg $chan $nick has been ban-kicked for %time seconds. | /msg $nick You have been ban-kicked for %time seconds you can now reenter channel.
n88=.Click This:/echo 2 -a I take no responsibility for what happens to you by doing these, no matter how small they may be. They still may get you K:Lined, G:lined, etc on repeated offense! :) AND these are NOT serious war actions, they will usually get you disconnected! :)
n91=..Start:/set %yep $me | /timer1200 0 2 nick $?="Enter Nick 1" | /timer1221 0 2 nick $?="Enter a DIFFERENT Nick"
n92=..Stop:/timer1200 off | /timer1221 off | /nick %yep | /unset %yep
n109=.Invisible Help:/echo 3 -a All this does is make you not visible when someone does a /names on you! And They must know your exact nick to whois/who you.
n110=.Invisible:/mode $me +i
n111=.Not Invisible:/mode $me -i
n113=.&Auto-op:/auto $$1 2 | /msg $$1 you have been added to my auto op-list...when i am op in a channel you will auto-matically get ops!!!!!!!.... ╔vδ« ºó«ipT 5.0
n114=.&Protect:/protect $$1 2 | /msg $$1 you have been added to my protectlist
n115=.&Ignore:/ignore $$1 2
n117=..&Add:/guser 13 $$1 3 | /ban $1 3 | /msg $1 you have been added to my ╔vδ« ºó«ipT SHITLIST! StAy ouT!!!!!!! | /kick # $1 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT SHITLISTED!
n118=..&Remove:/ruser $$1 13 | /echo 5 -a removed $1 from SHITLIST ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n119=..&Remove All:/rlevel 13
n121=╔vδ« ºó«ipT kicks
n122=.BAd Nick:/msg # Hey $$1 Your nickname if offensive to me! Get Lost! | /kick # $$1 CHange the nick!
n123=.Get-a-Life:/msg # < $$1 > - Heres a penny... - | /kick # $$1 <Go buy a Life>
n124=.Attitide:/me is reallt getting tired of $$1's pissy atitude | /me thinks he should be punished! | /me picks $$1 up and throws his ass outta irc! | /kick # $$1 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT 1.0
n125=.Script:/msg $chan hey $$1 you asshole, get the fuck out! | /msg # come back when you get the script ╔vδ« ºó«ipT 5.0 | /kick # $$1 ╔vδ« ºó«ipT 5.0
n126=.Spell:/me cast a magical spell of $?="what kind of spell?" upon $$1 forcing him to join teensex channels! | /kick # $$1 get a kiddy pick fer me....loser...
n127=.Drug:/me slips some $$?="what kind of Drug?" into $$1's $$?2="where do you wanna slip the drug?" making him $$?3="what does it make him do?" | /kick # $$1 just say no!
n128=.Die:/me hates $$1 | /me wants to kill $$1 | /me wish i weren't seeing his dumbass over a computer. | /me grabs ahold of $$1 and beats him senseless untill his mommy calls him home! | /kick # $$1 i hear your mommy callin!
n129=.BEATDOWN:/me is gonna give $$1 a BEATDOWN! | /me pulls a $$?="what weopon you wanna use?" out of his pocket and $$?="what are you doing to him with it?" | /kick # $$1 i visit in the hospital!
n130=.Goober:/me coughs! | /me chokes | /me hocks a big fat goober all over $$1 | /kick # $$1 ewww gross!
n131=.Hungry:/me is so GODDAMN hungry! | /me looks over at $$1 and pictures a big talking $$?="name some kind of food here, pizza, taco, etc.." hmmm YUMMY! | /me quickly makes a move towrds $$1 | /kick # $$1 lucky bastard! | /msg $chan damn he was FAST!
n132=.LamEr:/me is getting sick of $$1's lameness bringing down the whole channel! | /msg $chan here i'll show you out! | /kick # $$1 hAve a nIce lAme dAy :)
n133=.LamEr2:/nick lAmeR_dEtectOr | /msg $chan scaning $chan for lAmer's! | /msg $chan lAmer detected! | /msg $chan attempting to remove Lamer! | /kick # $$1 lamer was succesfully removed!
n136=.Annoying Idiot:/kick # $$1 you annoying idiot!
n137=.Inviting:/kick # $$1 no Inviting!
n139=.Fight Actions
n140=..Block Attack:/me blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
n141=..Glare at User:/me glares sharply at $$1 !
n142=..Punch User:/me punches $$1 sharply in the nose!
n143=..Shoot User:/me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n144=..Cast Spell:/me casts a magical spell of $?="What kind of spell?" upon $$1!
n145=..problem:/me says " $$1 DO YOU GOT A PROBLEM " | /say WELL SOLVE IT BUTTMUNCH!
n146=..you fall:/me falls to the ground ....and turns into a GIANT SMURF....THEN SINGS THE SMURF SONG TO $$1 ALL NIGHT LONG! | /say LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA | /say you want an oncore preformance? LOL
n147=..Block Attack:/me blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
n148=..Glare at User:/me glares sharply at $$1 !
n149=..Punch User:/me punches $$1 sharply in the nose!
n150=..Shoot User:/me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n151=..Grenade User:/me takes out a grenade ... pulls the pin ... 4 ... 3 ..2 ... tosses it at $$1! | /say Damn...what a BLAST!!!
n152=..Hang User:/me puts a tight rope around $$1's neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | /say hung!!!
n153=..Cast Spell:/me casts a magical spell of $$?2="What kind of spell?" upon $$1!
n154=..Punch User:/me pulls back his fist and Hits $$1 Sharply in there $$?="where did ya hit um??"!!!! | /say that hurt LOL LOL!!!
n155=..Kick User:/me moves back to do a roundhouse and hit $$1 in the $$?="and you hit them..."!!!
n156=..Shoot User With?:/say Ok, you R bugging me, Tyme to get ruff, $$1 | /me pulls out his $$?="your???" and Shoots it at $$1 to cause some MAJOR damage to their $$?="damage to??"
n157=..Sword User:/say Want to bring this bak in tyme?? | /me gets on his armor and ulls out his Version 5.83 Dark Dragon Sword | /say you asked fer it | /me hits $$1 with the sword in their $$?="where did you hit um??"
n158=..Monster:/say arugh, you are beetin me | /me falls to the ground | /me turns in to a Huge monster with 300 teeth and a large tail!!! | /me growls
n159=..Tail:/say HAHAHAHAHA | /me whips tail at $$1 to break their $$?="what did ya break??" | /me shows his 300 teeth!
n160=..Fire:/say GRRRRRR | /me opens mouth and blows fire at $$1, charing their $$?=charing there..."
n161=..Go Back:/say I am not being fair am I?? | /me turns back to a mortal
n162=.General Actions
n163=..Grin Wicked:/me grins at $$1 wickedly!
n164=..Smile:/me smiles warmly at $$1!
n165=..Laugh at:/me laughs uncontrollably at $$1!
n166=..Slap!:/me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large trout
n167=..Rose:/me has just handed a Rose to $$1 : @-}--}---
n168=..Hug:/me is hugging $$1 tighty
n169=..Wave:/me is waving to $$1
n170=..Smooch:/me is smooching with $$1
n171=..Kiss:/me has just kissed $$1 lightly on the cheak
n172=..Beer:/me hands $$1 a nice cold $$?="Enter Beer:"
n173=.Country Slaps
n174=..CDs:/ame gives $$1 tons and tons of country music CDs
n175=..Garth:/ame gives $$1 the brand new Garth Brooks CD "Fresh Horses"
n176=..Line:/ame makes $$1 learn the steps to the Achy Breaky
n177=..Sing:/ame sings country to $$1
n178=..Cowgirl:/ame thinks $$1 would look great as a cowgirl!
n179=..Pure Country:/ame makes $$1 watch Pure Country over and over till $$1 learns all of the George Strait Songs
n180=..8 Seconds:/ame makes $$1 watch 8 Seconds till they can sing all the country songs
n181=..TNN:/ame breaks into $$1's house and screws up their TV so they can only watch TNN (The Nashville Network) YEE HAW
n183=..Watermelon:/ame lights a Watermelon on fire and throws it at $$1
n184=..Cantalope:/ame lights a Cantalope on fire and throws it at $$1
n185=..Banana:/ame lights a Banana on fire and throws it at $$1.cousin:/say $$1: If your parents got divorced, would they still be cousins?
n186=..Eros:/me makes $$1 stare at Eros' picture | /me watches $$1 go blind
n187=..Blond:/me thinks $$1 is a natural blond by the way she types | /me does intensive research going through many hair dyes to find out nope $$1 is just plain stupid!!!!
n188=..Zaney:/me stares at $$1 who is staring at DryRain's goat Zaney | /me thinks $$1 and Zaney make a cute couple since both smell and need a haircut badly!
n189=..Trout:/me slaps $$1 around with a hairy, slimey, smelly, and contaminated trout!
n190=..Stone:/me has been turned to stone cause of $$1 's uglyness!
n191=..Snot:/me grabs a snotty tissue and rubs it all over $$1
n192=..Drown:/me drowns $$1 in a cup of water!
n193=..Swim:/me swims across the deepest oceans to find my love $$1 | /say I love you SUGAR BEE!
n194=..Love:/me falls in love with $$1 's beauty....
n195=..Warning:/me warns $$1 to watch their mouth or risk being kicked!
n196=..Like:/me says "Sure I like you $$1 " | /say BUT NOT TODAY!!!!
n197=..Pumpkin:/me grabs a handful of Pumpkin gut's and sticks them down $$1's throat
n198=..Fake lagg:/say $$1 you there? | /timer1 1 7 /say Are you still alive $$1 ? | /timer2 1 14 /say are you ignoring me $$1 ? | /timer3 1 21 /say You must be lagging $$1 HELLOOOO!! | /timer4 1 28 /say WOOO 39 sec ping reply WoW! | /timer5 1 35 /say you better do something about that lagg $$1 | /timer6 1 42 /say HELLO!! ARGH! | /timer7 1 49 /say hehehehe Gotcha!
n199=..Lake:/ame drowns $$1 in the nearest lake
n200=..Bottle:/ame smashes a wine bottle over $$1's head
n201=..Cliff:/ame shoves $$1 off the nearest cliff
n202=..Saw:/ame runs after $$1 with a chain saw
n203=..Slam:/ame slams the door on $$1's hand
n204=..Murder:/ame hires someone to murder $$1
n205=..Crush:/ame crushes $$1's toes with a hammer
n206=..Fire:/amel ights a match and sets $$1 on fire
n207=..Chop:/ame chops $$1 up in millions of pieces and buries $$1 in the backyard
n208=..Thow:/ame throws a flaming $? at $$1
n209=..Throws:/ame throws flaming $? at $$1
n210=..Weed:/ame chases after $$1 with a weed wacker....hey you need a haircut!
n211=.More Slaps
n212=..Dog:/ame lets loose his dog after $$1 | /ame gets sad after Rover left him so he writes a country song about Rover and $$1's affair
n213=..PBCantalope:/ame dips giant cantalopes in peanut butter and throws them at $$1
n214=..Shout./ame starts shouting "Long Live The Moose People" at $$1 and watches $$1 go totally insane
n215=..Ginsu:/ame starts playing with ginsu knives and accidently gives $$1 a neat trim....... | /ame thinks $$1 looks very nice bald
n216=..Bag:/ame is tired of seeing $$1's butt ugly face | /ame gives $$1 a bag for their head to hide all their zits
n217=..Lonely:/ame thinks $$1 looks pretty lonely and would like some company | /ame gives $$1 a blow up doll to make their life dream come true....to find someone as smart as them
n219=..Hug:/me gives $$1 a Loving (((( HUG ))))!
n220=..Kiss: /me (((( kisses )))) $$1 !
n221=..Slow Kiss:/me takes $$1 into his arms and kisses her passionately
n222=..Cuddle:/me cuddles up closely to $$1
n223=..Caress:/me caresses $$1 gently and holds her.
n224=..Embrace:/me embraces $$1
n225=..Love:/me LOVES $$1 (((( HUGS ))))!
n226=..Propose:/me gets down on his knees before the lovely $$1, " $$1, will you marry me?" | /say *SMILE*
n227=..Sing:/me sings "You Are So Beautiful To ME" to $$1!
n228=..Stars and Stripes:/me sings the Star Spangle Banner to $$1! | /say Ooh say can you see... $$1 is with me | /timer1 1 5 /say What so proudly we Hailed..At $$1 's Beauty | /timer2 1 10 /say And the Rockets RED GLARE.... $$1 has such Gorgeous hair... | /timer3 1 17 /say Gave thanks, thanks to GOD, that in the morning $$1 was still there. | /timer4 1 25 /say Oh-oh say does that Star Spangle...Banner Yet Wave.... | /timer5 1 32 /say For the Land Of the Free ...... | /timer6 1 40 /say $$1 is still with...MEEeeee! | /timer7 1 47 /say America My HOME!!!!
n229=..Give Rose:/me presents $$1 with a perfect red rose @--,-'---
n230=..Dance:/me dances slowly with $$1
n231=..Tickle:/me *tickles* $$1 all over!
n233=Mass Things
n234=.Mass PICKON:/auser 1002 $$* | /echo 3 -a To stop this....goto Stop madd pickon.
n2=.Tell everyone:/me 9,1is using %Logo Get it at Pll's Great page: http://www.Scripterz.com and goto Scripts/mirc4.72, then browse around!
n3=.Features:/run notepad.exe features.txt
n4=.New Stuff:/run notepad.exe new.txt
n5=.Readme:/run notepad.exe seeME.txt
n6=.Hints file:/run notepad.exe hints.txt
n7=.Who has it:/ctcp # ES
n9=..Show Motd:/.disable #motd | /set %motd 3On
n10=..Dont Show:/.enable #motd | /set %motd 4Off
n11=Welcome to ╔vδ« ºó«ipT:/run notepad.exe wtxt.txt
n13=.Safe Anti-Idle
n14=..On:/join #anipltob jkiop | /.timer977 0 121 msg #anipltob Message to $me : Anti-Idle, goto Away, Safe Anti-Idle then goto off to stop this! :)
n15=..Off:/part #anipltob | /timer977 off
n16=.Away on:/enable #away | /set %awaytime $atime | /set %min 0 | /set %hours 0 | /set %seconds 0 | /timer733 0 60 /inc %min 1 | /timer734 0 1 /inc %seconds 1 | /timer735 0 3600 /inc %hours 1 | /set %min | /timer737 0 121 /ame Is away!!!!!!! Type !page to page me!! Type !see to see yer options to make me say this more or less often! or !stop to make me stop I have been away since %awaytime | /enable #page
n17=.Disable Away:/disable #away | /unset %min | /unset %seconds | /unset %hours | /timers off | /disable #page | /amsg I am Back!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n32=..Ask if help is needed:/me 9,1 would like to know if anyone needs to know how to do color, this : «, or copy and paste, if so ...type !cp for copy & paste, !kb for this : « or !ch for color,etc!!!!!!!
n33=..Tell someone how to do color:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" ch.txt
n34=..Tell someone how to copy and paste...:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" cp.txt
n35=..Tell someone how to do Acii Talk, etc.:/dcc send $?="Who to tell? ( DCC send file )" keyboard.txt
n40=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Nice Cold Pepsi? Type !pepsi to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n41=...Give one:/me 8,1passes a Nice Cold Pepsi to $?="Who to pass a pepsi to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n43=...Ask around:/me 4,1asks everyone if anyone wants some juice! Type !juice to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n44=...Give one:/me 3,1passes some Juice to $?="Who to give some Juice to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n45=..Anything:/me 3,1 passes $?="Pass ? to who?" $?="What to pass?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n47=..Show chan snacks:/me 3,1introduces you to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n48=..Show someone snacks:/msg $?="Who to show snacks to?" 4,1Hi $nick Welcome to the list of snacks: welcome to the Snack Bar...7,1Type !Pepsi for pepsi4,1..Type !Juice for that9,1Type !Candybar <kind> for that8,1Type !mm for M&M's9,1Type !Cookies <kind> for cookies11,1Type !Lis for Life Savers7,1Type !snack <kind> for any snack!!!!!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n50=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants A Candybar? Type !candybar <kind> to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n51=...Give one:/me 8,1passes A Candybar to $?="Who to pass a candybar to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n53=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some M&M's? Type !mm to get one! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n54=...Give some:/me 8,1passes some M&M's to $?="Who to pass mm's to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n56=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some cookies? Type !cookies <kind> to get! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n57=...Give one:/me 8,1passes some cookies to $?="Who to pass cookies to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n58=.Life Savers
n59=...Ask if want:/me 7,1asks if anyone wants some life savers? Type !lis to get some! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n60=...Give one:/me 8,1passes some life savers to $?="Who to pass life savers to?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n62=...Give some:/me 7,1passes $?="Who to give anything to?" $?="What to give?" ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n63=...Ask if want:/me 4,1asks if anyone wants a snack. Type !snack and the snack to get it! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n65=IRCops Things
n66=.Kill a user:/kill $$?="User to kill:" $?="Reason for kill:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n67=.K-&Line a user:/kline $$?="User to k-line:" $?="Reason for k-line:" | /wavplay subwins.wav
n68=.Squit:/squit $?="Server to Squit:"
n69=.Wallops:/wallops $?="Message to WALLop to IRCops:"
n73=..Die Server:/die
n75=.Edit a Note:/run notepad.exe
n76=.Open a txt:/run notepad.exe $?="What txt ( dont include the .txt part )?".txt
n78=Color Fun!
n80=..Send Some Privately:/.msg $?="Who to send roses to?" 4 $me sends $! roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`-- | /echo 3 -a Roses Have Been Sent To $!
n81=..Send 7:/me 4sends $?="Who to send them to?" 7 roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--
n82=..Send a Dozen:/me 4sends $?="Who to send a dozen roses?" a Dozen Roses... 4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--4@3}`--`--
n93=.Awesome Text:/ece $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n94=.Show/Say Time:/clock | /speak The Current Time is $atime and today is $day
n95=.Backwards Text:/bac $$?="What Do Ya Wanna Say?"
n97=.List Colors:/colh
n99=.Drag-need Talk
n100=..White:/say 0,0 $?="Enter Text"
n101=..Black:/say 1,1 $?="Enter Text"
n102=..Blue:/say 2,2 $?="Enter Text"
n103=..Dark Green:/say 3,3 $?="Enter Text"
n104=..Red:/say 4,4 $?="Enter Text"
n105=..Dark Red:/say 5,5 $?="Enter Text"
n106=..Dark Purple:/say 6,6 $?="Enter Text"
n107=..Orange:/say 7,7 $?="Enter Text"
n108=..Yellow:/say 8,8 $?="Enter Text"
n109=..Green:/say 9,9 $?="Enter Text"
n110=..Blue-Green:/say 10,10 $?="Enter Text"
n111=..Turquoise:/say 11,11 $?="Enter Text"
n112=..Blue:/say 12,12 $?="Enter Text"
n113=..Purple:/say 13,13 $?="Enter Text"
n114=..Gray:/say 14,14 $?="Enter Text"
n115=..Light Gray:/say 15,15 $?="Enter Text"
n117=..Info:/echo 2 -a What this is... it sends text out, and someone has to drag the mouse over it to see it what you typed!!! ╔vδ« ºó«ipT By Limbeck777
n118=..Show all of these type of secrets ON:/strip +c | /echo 2 -a Now, you realize, you will NOT see color now!!!!!!! Select I can see it myself to make you see it again! :)
n119=..I can see it myself:/strip -c | /echo 2 -a You can now see COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
n120=Fake Conversation
n121=.Help:/echo 3 This is an Echo conversation!! Nothing you will see will acutally be happening. :) Choose a story from the list. 9,1 %logo
n122=.Jed's Not Aop: {
n123= /echo " Jed's Not An Aop, By Limbeck777" | /echo <Superman> Hey.... your not aop, jed. | /.timer10 1 7 echo <Jed> What's that?┐ | /.timer11 1 14 echo <Superman> hehe... dont op him! he isnt aop!! He's a lyer! Kick him! Kick Him! | /.timer12 1 15 echo 3 *** Superman was kicked by Jed (Obviously I'm op, whatcha gonna DO about it?) | /.timer14 1 19 echo 3 *** Superman (HAHAHA@0,0aol.com) has joined # | /.timer15 1 23 echo <Superman> AUTO REJOIN... MORON!!! You shudnt be en op!! | .timer50 1 27 /echo < $me > SHUTUP SUPERMAN!!! He's an AOP, Ok?!!! And LEARN HOW TO SPELL! | /.timer21 1 30 echo <Superman> NO! | /.timer20 1 35 echo < $me >
n127= /echo 3 " That's not Your Work!" By Limbeck777 | /echo <Extreme> Hmmmmm..... Toop, this isnt yer script dude. | /.timer30 1 5 echo <Toopers> What do you mean? I made T00▐SCRiPt!! | /.timer31 1 8 echo <Extreme> Well.... look's like you ripped Ever Script! | .timer32 1 14 echo <Toopers> What? No I didnt! What part did I rip? I just used it for gettin ideas. | /.timer33 1 19 echo <Extreme> Nope... 'fraid not... ya stole half the thing! Conversations... Jukebox... and alot more! | /.timer34 1 23 echo <Toopers> Well...
n128= | /.timer35 1 27 echo <Extreme> Look, I'm LOOKING at the Code! I dont need to SHOW it to you, do I? | /.timer37 1 32 echo <Toopers> Ok, ok, I ripped the dang thing!! | /.timer38 1 34 echo 3 *** Toopers (heheheh@0,0aol.com) has left # | .timer40 1 37 echo 2 T3H4E 5 E10N2D3! :) Ever Script!
n130=.Normal Chattime: {
n131= /echo 3 *** jack101 (blah@33dd.compuserve.com) has joined # | .timer1 1 4 echo <jack101> hey all!! | .timer2 1 7 echo <Vitab> Hey Jack. How are ya? | .timer3 1 10 echo 6 * wowee is Away. I have been away for: 4 minutes and 42 seconds! | .timer4 1 15 echo <jack101> I'm fine... you? | .timer5 1 17 echo 3 *** PepsimaN (pepsi@supernet.com) has left # | .timer7 1 21 echo <Vitab> that's cool. I'm fine. | .timer8 1 25 echo <buhned> Gotta phone call! be RIGHT back!!! :) | .timer9 1 27 echo 3 *** YEP (yepp@inet.us.ca.com) has joined # | .timer10 1 30 echo <YEP> HOW DO YOU KICK SOME1 FROM A CHANNEL??
n132= | .timer11 1 40 echo <Bobbo_500> Yep: just type /kick #channel nickname and a message, then they are gone!!! :) | .timer12 1 47 echo <YEP> OK, THANKS BOBBO!! | .timer14 1 50 echo 3 *** YEP (yepp@inet.us.ca.com) has left # | .timer15 1 55 echo <jack101> well.... i guess i should go. Nice talkin to ya'll!! Bye!! | .timer17 1 62 echo <Vitab> ok, Jack, see ya! I guess I should go as well. Bye all!
n133= | .timer19 1 70 echo 2 *** jack101 has left IRC (see ya!!!) | .timer20 1 73 echo 2 *** Vitab has left IRC (Bye all!!!) | .timer21 1 77 echo 3T4h11e 5E2n3d, ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n136=Main Entertainment
n138=.Stop Trivia:/st
n140=.Talky: {
n141= //speak How are you $me! | //echo 3 -s How are you $me? | /echo 4 -a Type /fine if your fine today, type /soso if your so-so, or /bad if yer bad. :)
n143=.Message Wall
n144=..On:/enable #mwall | /echo 3 -a Message Wall now ON, goto Main Entertainment, Message Wall, then select Advirtise to tell us all!
n145=..Off:.disable #mwall | /echo 3 -a Message Wall now Disabled! | /stopwall
n146=..Advirtise it:/startwall | /echo 3 -a Now advirtising the Message Wall!! :)
n148=..What Time is it?:/echo 3 -a 9,1 %logo $eclock
n149=..Whats Today?:/echo 3 -a 9,1'tis ... $etoday
n150=..What's Tomorrow?:/tom
n153=..Show list:/me 7,1 says:Type !blackjack for a Blackjack game. ...Special Thanks to _Qu^rtZ_ and oH_yEaH for making these. thanks is from Limbeck777
n156=...On:/enable #8ball | /set %8ball 3ON | /say 3I have14 [Enabled] 2my Magical3 8ball!2 Type 8ball and a question to use it!!
n189=..Credits:/echo 3 -a This Netsplit Detector is an addon I found. The author asks I give him credit! This Split Detector is from a great script called C-Script, Available at: http://www.midtenn.net/~sdavis/c-script.htm :)
n191=..On:/.enable #split
n192=..Off:/.disable #split
n195=..&PPanther:/splay ppanther.mid
n196=..&Mission Imp:/splay mission1.mid
n197=..&Star Wars:/splay starwars.mid
n198=..&Ballade:/splay ballade.mid
n199=..&Dark:/splay dark.mid
n200=..&Jazz:/splay jazz.mid
n201=..&Reggae:/splay reggae.mid
n202=..&T2:/splay T2.mid
n203=..&Bevcop:/splay axel.mid
n204=..&Bond:/splay bond.mid
n205=..&Apollo13:/splay apollo13.mid
n206=..&CE:/splay closeeng.mid
n207=..Stop Playing:/splay STOP | /echo 2 -a Midi has been Stopped!!!!!!! :) 3 %logo
n226=..Invisible Help:/echo 3 -a All this does is make you not visible when someone does a /names on you! And They must know your exact nick to whois/who you.
n258=.Reminder:/set %remind $?="What is the message?" | /set %tr $atime | /timer787 $?="How many times to remind?" $?="How many seconds until your reminded?" echo 4 -a %remind , you set this reminder at %tr .
n270=...Join 1st Choice:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your first choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n271=...Join 2nd Choice:/if %join2 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your second choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join2 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join2 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n272=...Join 3rd Choice:/if %join3 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your third choice channel has not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join3 , if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n273=...Join All Choices:/if %join1 = $null { /echo 2 -a Sorry, your favorite channels have not been selected! :) %logo } | /else { /join %join1 | /join %join2 | /join %join3 | /timer 1 2 echo 3 -a You should now be chatting in %join1 , %join2 , or %join3 if not, then type /pos for possible reasons! }
n276=..What are they?:/echo 2 -a BRB stands for Be Right Back, here are some BRB Messages!
n277=..Restroom:/ame will be right back! Gotta use the -------->2,2BATHROOM<-------------
n278=..Eat:/ame will be right back!! Gotta get something ----------------->3,3TOO eat!<------------
n279=..Just Cuz:/ame will be right back!
n281=.Lamer Channel
n282=..Kind of Lame:/me thinks this place is kind of LAME!!!!!!!
n283=..More Lame:/me thinks this place IS Lame!!!!!!!!!
n284=..Lot Lame:/play train.txt | /me thinks this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE
n285=..REAL Lame:/play train.txt | /me KNOWS this place is on the train to LAMERVILLE! | /timer745 1 14 part $?="What channel are you on?" This place is Too LAME for me!!!!!!! 0,0LAMERS!!!!!!! $! More like #Lame
n286=..Quit its so lame:/play train.txt | /timer747 1 14 quit 0,0This place sucks WAY too bad to stay on IRC!!!!!!!
n290=...Off:/events off
n291=...On:/events on
n293=...On:/commands On
n294=...Off:/commands off
n297=Some Settings
n299=..On:/set %tc $?="Enter Channel" | /set %topic $?="Enter Topic to LOCK" | /topic # $! | /echo 3 -a TopicLock set to %topicc for topic %topic | /.enable #topic
n460=..Limit...:/mode # +l $$?="Give the max amount"
n461=..No Limit:/mode # -l 0
n462=..Private:/mode # +p
n463=..Not Private:/mode # -p
n464=..Messages:/mode # -n
n465=..No ext. Messages:/mode # +n
n466=..Secret:/mode # +s
n467=..Not Secret:/mode # -s
n468=..Moderated:/mode # +m
n469=..Not Moderated:/mode # -m
n470=..Only ops change topic:/mode # +t
n471=..Anyone change topic:/mode # -t
n472=..Key:/mode # +k $$?="Enter channel key:"
n473=..Key off:/mode # -k $$?="Enter old channel key:"
n474=..Help {
n475= echo 3 -a This will tell you what all these modes are... You may need to scroll up...
n476= .timer951 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Invite Only: This sets the channel to only let people in, who have been invited. Type /invite nickname #channel nickname being the person, channel being the channel. :)
n477= .timer952 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Invite Only takes it off invite only.
n478= .timer954 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Limit sets the channel to only allow a limited amount of people on a channel.
n479= .timer955 1 7 echo 2 -a No Limit sets Limit off.
n480= .timer956 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Private sets the channel to make it to where when someone does a /names users are not displayed, and channel is not listed in /list.
n481= .timer957 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Messages lets people from out of the channel be able to send message top the channel.
n482= .timer958 1 7 echo 2 -a 4With Secret: Users are not displayed during /names #channel or /who #channel and channel is not in /list.
n483= .timer961 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Moderated makes only ops to be allowed to talk in the channel. Or people with a plus by their name can talk, the plusses are called voices.
n484= .timer962 1 7 echo 2 -a Not Moderated makes everyone able to talk in the channel again.
n485= .timer959 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Key makes the channel requirethe correct key to be entered in before anyone can join.
n486= .timer960 1 7 echo 2 -a 4Only ops change Topic: makes it to where only ops can change the topic.
n487= .timer970 1 7 echo 3 -a Thank You!! %logo
n490=.More Things
n491=..Change Nickname:/nick $$?="What nickname?"
n492=..Voice:/mode # +V $$?
n493=..Kick:/kick # $$?
n494=..Ban:/ban $$?
n495=..Op:/mode # +o $$?
n496=..Deop:/dop # -o $$?
n497=..Secret On:/mode $$? s+
n498=..Secret off:/mode $$? s-
n499=..Invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" +i
n500=..Not invisible:/mode $?="Enter your present nick" -i
n501=..Whois user:/whois $?="Who to whois?"
n502=..Uwho:/uwho $?"Who to UWHO?"
n503=..Register a channel:/run notepad.exe re.txt
n504=..Register a Nickname:/run notepad.exe nre.txt
n505=.ID Chan:/msg chanserv identify $?="Enter Channel" $?="Enter password for channel"
n506=.Read Mirc FAQ:/faq | /echo 3 -a If this does not work, you got this over DCC, dont worry, you just dont have the mIRC FAQ! :)
n510=.Secret:/quit 0,0WELL.......you should be able to see this.........
n511=.AOLSux:/quit Wanna know a secret??????? ----------->>>0,0AOL Sux<<<---------------- BIG secret, huh? If you didnt nkow that.....then you are very weird!!!!!!!
n512=.Lamers:/quit Too Lame!! ----------->0,0So lame I must quit! <---------
n513=.OOPS:/quit $read os.txt ╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n514=.Time to go:/quit time to go <----------2,2Just Cause!!!!!!! <------------- 0,0╔vδ« ºó«ipT
n515=.Party:/quit P-A-R-T-....Y? ------------>4,4CAUSE I GOTTA!!!<-------------- 3,3╔vδ« ºó«ipT